541-633-5977 [email protected]

Holistic bodywork & energy medicine

Vitality and Harmony for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Using a blend of empathic dialogue, Polarity Therapy (hands-on energy medicine), myofascial release, and intuitive channeling we will discover what helps you feel more supported, easeful, and alive.

Allying with Nature and Spirit, I can help free stuck emotions, relieve stress, ease physical tension, remove energy blockages, and enhance energy flow. I will support you in identifying your truth and embody areas where you have felt numb and shut down.

Throughout we will cultivate and incorporate positive resources to help nervous system regulation and invoke balancing and healing energies for your mind, body, and spirit.

Ultimately, our work together is to help you become more rooted, vibrant, and free in your entire body and being.

To effectively shift your system into a healing trajectory, I recommend that you begin with a series of at least four sessions once a week.


Benefits of Holistic bodywork & energy medicine

* Reduces stress and aids nervous system regulation.

* Moves stuck emotions and dissolves energy blocks.

* Relieves phyiscal tension and increases physical ease and mobility.

* Improves energy flow.

* Increases embodiment and decreases disassociation.

* Provides insights and clarity to your life past and present.

* Revitalizes your energy and spirit to live your truth.

This is for you if . . .

* You are on a journey of self-awareness, healing and transformation.

* You are ready to explore new ways of being in your body and actively engage in the process of body awareness.

* You welcome supportive and clarifying conversation while receiving bodywork.

* You know or sense that emotions are stuck in your body and that talk therapy hasn’t been enough to address them.

*** Though not required, it can be helpful and more simpatico to my offering if you value connecting to nature and/or have a spiritual practice.

This is not for you if . . .

* You want to remain passive and only receive the work.

* You want a traditional massage.

* Your nervous system is in such a state of dysregulation that trauma therapy would be more beneficial. This can be determined by a phone consultation prior to booking a first session. 

Have Questions? 

Megan’s work is brilliant. She is highly intuitive and at the start of each session is able to tune into my body and psyche in an incredibly accurate way, discerning which part of my body needs work and attention at that time.

She is kind, gentle, compassionate, incredibly patient, creative and deeply committed to my wellbeing and goals and I trust her completely with my body (my body loves her work!).

Megan is a fantastic healer who has reduced my pain through her combination of gentle hands-on and energetic bodywork. Often I have left my session with Megan incredibly restored with a calmer mind and feeling happily embodied. She is a true healer whom you’d be fortunate to be able to work with! 

— Stacey Klein

Megan is a kind and compassionate healer.

Megan helped me relax and open up about my anxiety and self-worth issues. Her healing touch, her words and her chants helped me heal and grow. She helped me recognize in myself I have the ability to change and believe in myself.

Megan is truly a gifted and exceptional healer! 

— Julie

I feel amazing! My body feel so much better!! 93% of tension and pain are gone. I slept deeply and woke up early, which is my preference.

THANK you so much.

Our session was amazing and you’re a gift.

— Tiffani

My bodywork treatments with Megan came at a time in my life when I was contemplating a daunting change which had left me feeling overwhelmed, scattered and weary.  I was hoping to achieve a sense of calm & centeredness from my sessions—which did occur—but most notably, what I experienced was a deep and unexpected sense of JOY.

Suddenly I was able to see my position and the decisions I had to make from a whole new & joyous perspective. What was set to be a strife-ridden period of my life, became instead an exciting and wonderful journey. I will be forever grateful to Megan and her amazing healing energy.   

 Samantha Hamilton | New York City, NY
Owner of Simple Skin Spa

I’ve loved working with Megan.

Not only has she helped me physically but she’s very accepting of people and their differences, and also wonderfully open about the connection between mind, body, and emotions and giving credence to the fact that they’re connected.

She’s fantastic at what she does, and also fun to be around in the process.

— Alex Andreef

Megan is a kind and gentle healer. My sessions with her were illuminating and peaceful. She was able to pinpoint areas of stuck, old energy and release them in a very calming way. This allowed for spiritual, emotional and physical healing.

I highly recommend working with her. You’ll be amazed at how much better you can feel!

Much love to you Megan!

Cate Ritter | Bend, OR

My sessions with Megan are powerfully healing. Megan’s combination of bodywork and processing through stories, metaphors and visual imagery helps me connect to a deeper intelligence in myself.

Recently, she helped me see and feel the connection between my physical discomfort and the emotional stress that was going on in my work and family life. With Megan tapping into what was going on and helping me shift my perspective, she was able to shift the energy in my body and in my situation.

All of my bodywork sessions with Megan are wonderfully healing, insightful and transformative. I highly recommend her work to everyone!

— Brian Pinkney

Megan is not just a wonderful bodyworker, she offers medicine for the soul. Her sessions are never cookie cutter.

She reaches deep within, bringing her vast expertise, imagination and diverse training to support and encourage ease of movement—and she does this with compassion, encouragement and joy.

Along with the tangible results of improved alignment and moving with more ease, I often experience a meditative state, tapping into the exquisiteness of life and leaving feeling as if I have encountered myself anew.



60-Minute Session


Greater ease, vitality and wholeness for your body, mind and spirit.

75-Minute Session


Greater ease, vitality and wholeness for your body, mind and spirit.

Payment can be made via Cash, Check, Venmo, Debit or Credit Card.

I have a 24-hour cancellation policy. If you would like to cancel your session and not be charged for it, please contact me before the 24-hour period begins.

If you are late or do not show up for your appointment, you will be charged the full session rate.

About Me

My name is Megan Brians. I am an Organic Intelligence™ Certifed Coach, somatic bodyworker, energy healer and licensed massage therapist.

We all deserve support, care and compassion in our life's journey.

That is why I bring to you . . .

* Welcoming and Empathy

* Collaboration and Co-Discovery

* Alliance with Nature and Spirit

My bodywork practice is in Bend, Oregon and my coaching practice is through Zoom.


Book a free 20-minute phone consultation with me to ask your questions and see how I can help you on your healing journey


Learn about Pelvic & Abdominal Therapy for pelvic floor dysfunction; pelvic pain, discomfort and traumas; and digestive and reproductive disorders.

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