541-633-5977 [email protected]
Nourishing Bone Broth

Nourishing Bone Broth

Ever since I have been consulting with Claudia Joy Keel, expert western herbalist, traditional nutritionist and flower essence therapist (not to mention lovely person all around), I’ve been cooking up bone broth in my crockpot. I cook my grains with it, I use it for...

Chicken & Bone Broth Recipe

Claudia Keel has three different methods for cooking up chicken stock. The following are her recipes. All of them are easy, especially if you have a crockpot. I usually leave mine simmering away for a couple of days. Equipment You’ll Need for Making Chicken...
Breathe Your Way into a Calmer Nervous System

Breathe Your Way into a Calmer Nervous System

These days it is common–particularly with the rise of popularity of yoga in the US–to be told to breathe and become calm. But what kind of breathing helps us settle our nerves? According to Robert Litman, founder of The Breathable Body and teacher of the Buteyko...
Little Feet, Long Lines of Energy

Little Feet, Long Lines of Energy

I spent a summer’s evening at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and was arrested by this photo of Alexandra Kitchin taken by author Lewis Carroll. I was particularly drawn to the length and directness of her toes. Do you see how straight they are? You can...

Elemental Play

Polarity Therapy’s theory that our bodies contain different energies relating to elements of nature–such as air, fire, water and earth–has been very appealing and useful to me. This framework has given me a way to more deeply understand both myself and my clients,...

You Can Thrive!

I am very excited to be volunteering at You Can Thrive!, a wonderful organization that provides a variety of complimentary therapies for those with breast cancer, as well as breast cancer survivors, at little or no cost. Services include acupuncture, reflexology,...