541-633-5977 [email protected]

Elemental Play

Polarity Therapy’s theory that our bodies contain different energies relating to elements of nature–such as air, fire, water and earth–has been very appealing and useful to me. This framework has given me a way to more deeply understand both myself and my clients,...

You Can Thrive!

I am very excited to be volunteering at You Can Thrive!, a wonderful organization that provides a variety of complimentary therapies for those with breast cancer, as well as breast cancer survivors, at little or no cost. Services include acupuncture, reflexology,...
The Weeping Woman and the Mirror

The Weeping Woman and the Mirror

I had a rather remarkable Polarity Therapy session a couple months back that I would like to share with you. Often I will dialogue with a client if I pick up certain sensations, emotions, images or words during a session. However, in this particular session my client...
Bee in my Bonnet

Bee in my Bonnet

I’ve had a bee in my bonnet to teach classes in which I would incorporate movement, sensory and perceptual exploration with Polarity Therapy’s map of the energetic body. Fortunately this summer I had the opportunity to introduce such a class at You Can Thrive!....
End of the Week Jam

End of the Week Jam

Here’s an end-of-the-week treat for you. This young man exploits his hyper-mobility in a most fly way. (Am I showing my age using the word “fly?”) This was originally posted November 11th,...